When will the mentoring sessions begin?

  • Anytime a student reaches out to you! Due to the fact that we have many more mentors than students right now, you may or may not be contacted immediately.

What is the time commitment?

  • Students have indicated that they would like to meet around once a month or whenever mentors can meet. Overall, we like to say that the time commitment is pretty minimal.

How will mentoring be facilitated?

  • Because of COVID-19, we are fully virtual right now. We require all meetings to be held over Zoom, or another video conferencing platform, if you choose not to do it by phone or email.
  • Right now, our platform is strictly mentoring, unless you can facilitate a job shadow/internship virtually. Please contact us about any situational questions that may arise at bflnw2020@gmail.com

When are mentoring sessions usually?

  • We expect you and the student we connect you with to pick a mutually beneficial time to meet. We are not going to mandate when and how you meet, as it varies student to student and mentor to mentor. 
  • For example, we do not have a set time slot for all mentoring sessions to take place during i.e. after school

Who will be present during the mentoring sessions?

  • Mentoring sessions are regularly conducted between one student and one mentor (online), unless the mentor and student want to include someone else i.e. parents, a friend with shared interests, a more experienced co-worker

What do we cover in a mentoring session?

  • That's up to both mentor and student! A common format could include the mentor giving a general synopsis of what they do on a daily basis and what it is like being a female in their field, followed by a question time where the student asks questions. 
  • Our ultimate goal is networking - get to know each other better! It's all about discovering and learning about people and their experiences!
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